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Medical device patent research
We offer you patent research service delivered according to GOST R 15.011-96 "System of products development and launch into manufacturing. Patent research".
Patent research is informational and analytical studies conducted during the development process of industrial products, containing scientific and technological achievements, in order to determine the technical level of the products, their patent clearance, patentability and competitiveness.
Carrying out of patent research allows you to:
- define customer requirements to the technical level of this type devices;
- select the most competitive and profitable scientific and technical projects;
- prevent a repetition of others research and development, while creating innovative products;
- calculate the cost of selling/buying a license to the invention;
- evaluate the technical level of the innovative product at various stages of its life cycle.
- determine the conditions of product sale on the market of any country, without infringement of any intellectual property;
- assess the direction of technological development of this product market segment.
We offer the following types of patent research:
- analysis of invention technical level, determination of research object development tendencies;
- development of requirements on improving the existing (or creation of new) products and/or technologies;
- rationale for the legal protection of intellectual property in the country and abroad, the choice of the countries of patenting;
- study of patent novelty/clearance, execution of patent application.